Saturday, August 26, 2006

Feeling Randy I haven't exactly been posting regularly as promised, but I do have an excuse! Maybe not a good one, but I do have one. Since we are carrying two mortgages - thank you by the way to the people who have labeled us as brave, I think RD and I would probalby choose another word - we are cutting back wherever we can. Even the little things - like Internet service. Obviously, we still have access, but we have just the basics; meaning, painfully slow. It makes it painful to browse the Internet, much less try to post anything. I've even been by many of your sites, but have given up on trying to post comments until it stops resulting in my wanting to throw my keyboard out the window. So for now, I'll just post a bunch of random crap.


As you can see above, we still have not sold our 'other' house. Interest has picked up, so we haven't thrown ourselves into total despair just yet. One couple keeps showing up at open houses, making appointments with their againt, and have gone as far as to take measurements...yet still no offer. We need someone like me and RD to come look at the house - someone who takes all of an hour to decide this is where they need to be for the rest of their life, or the next few years anyway - and make an offer. *sigh* Keep wishing.


Since we're on the topic of our house, or houses rather, I have been forced to "chill the 'F' out" as I've been told many times. When we moved into our last house, I swore that we would never buy a house any bigger because it was already too much to clean. As you may or may not have read in prior posts, cleaning is a bit of an obsession of mine. To give you an example, I've even rubbed off on one of my sons. If he spills some food, he immediately starts screaming, "Mess! Mess!" until someone cleans it up. Sick, I know. I think we all could use some sort of therapy. No my children are not neglected by my obsession, so you can spare me the hate-mails telling me I need to stop cleaning and start spending some quality time with my children. I save most of my cleaning for nap time or for after the kids go to bed for the night. Besides, doesn't Oobi count as quality time if mom needs to get a few things done. ;) Anyway, the house we have moved into is about 900 square feet bigger than our last house, which was already more than I could manage. But instead of driving myself mad trying to keep Swiffer in business, I've finally said, "Fuck it." Yes, for those who know me, I really did just say fuck. Gasp! I can't possibly keep up unless we hire a cleaning service, which we obviously have no money left over to do, so that's right, fuck it. I actually went almost two weeks without mopping our floors. Really! Look out world, she's carefree and she won't even care if someone stops by unannounced before the lunch dishes have been cleared. We'll see how long this carefree-attitude lasts.


The wonderful kids. They just keep getting cuter and it just amazes me how much they are learning everyday. Our Parents as Teachers lady came by the other day. Based on her observations and screenings, our three are all where they should be now in the area of speech. This was a concern of our's for awhile, but it seems they have really made great progress since her last visit. I was anxious to hear what she had to say, because it's hard to make an accurate judgment when you're with the kids 24/7. It was nice getting her feedback after she went a couple months without seeing them. They start school in a few weeks. Not really school, but they'll be in a program called "Noah's Nook," which is a Mother's Day Out program, two days a week. As excited as I am for them to start - excited for them to learn - excited for ME TIME - I know it's going to be hard for me. I know the kids will have a blast minutes after I walk out the door, but AR in particular, is going to have a complete meltdown when it's time for me to leave. I can already see myself bawling in the car after I drop them off. It's a big step for all of us.