Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!

I hope all you mommies out there had a wonderful day! I had a pretty good day. The morning started out a bit crazy. We went to my sister-in-law's for brunch this morning, so I was rushing around trying to get the kids (and myself!) up and ready then get dessert made...all on my own because RD worked late lastnight, so I let him sleep in. Just once I'd like to sleep in on Mother's Day. sigh

My friend, P, called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, and I told him that it's not so much a day for relaxing as it is a day for moms to showcase their true abilities at multi-tasking. That said, I do have a wonderful day of pampering ahead of me - RD...I mean the me a "Mom's Day Away at the Spa" package. It includes a waterfall massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, hair wash and style, and lunch somewhere in between. Ahhhhh...finally a day just for me! You can bet my cell phone will be OFF! Okay, maybe not off, but on vibrate. I'll let RD know he's only to call in the event of a true emergency. Meaning, what channel is Noggin on and where are the wipes are not true emergencies.

Totally off topic...did any of you watch "Grey's Anatomy" tonight? WOW! I swear that show always has the best last five minutes of any show ever. Love it. LOVE that show!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the finale tomorrow night!

I hope everyone had a great day!!!!