Monday, May 08, 2006

Lifestyles of the Rich and Well-Educated

We try as parents to make the best possible decisions for our children. Then once we make the decision, we question ourselves on whether or not it was the right one. In this case, only time will tell.


Well, it's not so much pre-school, but a Mommy's Day Out program. The kids will be attending two half days a week. After many calls and many referrals, I toured and observed classes at two schools. One is a Methodist church in the area that comes highly recommended by a good handful of neighbors - and might I mention at a modest price. The second is this amazing, impressive, nationally-recognized facility for those who expect the best out of life and don't mind paying the equivalent of three car payments for two HALF days a week. This second place also comes at the recommendation of many neighbors as well.

My mistake was looking at the second school mentioned FIRST. I walked in and breathed in and thought, "Wow." Everything about this place was simply amazing. It definitely gave me that feel-good feeling. The problem was it cost more per month than the monthly mortgage of our last house...for TWO HALF DAYS!! I came home and gushed to RD about this place (he was home watching the kids). He looked slightly sick when I told him the cost, but said if I felt this was the best place for our children, we would make it work.

I did a small victory dance in my head, but knew it would take some serious sacrifices to make this place doable. Are the sacrifices worth the Mercedes-Benz of pre-schools? Is it really THAT much better?

I told RD I had to at least go look at the other school. It was a quarter of the cost and had raving reviews from many of the parents in the neighborhood. Even with this school's praise, I felt guilt as I was driving, thinking, "How sick am I as a parent to try to get a deal on my children's education." I know...I're rolling your eyes saying, "This is pre-school, lady." I agree, but isn't it natural to want what's best for your children?

I let out a sigh and reluctantly walked through the door, already noticing the glitz and fanfare that was missing, what was shouting out at me at the last school. I was immediately greeted by the Director, and within minutes I felt my premature judgment fading away. I spent about two hours there, asking questions, observing classrooms, watching the relaxed parents dropping their happy children off for the day, and we ended our meeting with me registering my precious three for Wednesday and Friday mornings starting in the Fall.

It's a decision that we can't truly appreciate until the kids start their classes, but right now I feel really good about the choice we've made.

Now excuse me while I have a moment.

Kids just grow up way too fast. My babies...