Wednesday, July 19, 2006

New House

We are now the stressed out, freaked out owners of two houses. Do you feel sick? I do.

We closed on the new house this past Monday.

house pics 002

It's big, beautiful,'s everything I've always wanted - my dream home. BUT...until we sell our current house, I don't feel like we can enjoy it. We would have written a new contract with another contingency on the new house, but there was another couple just waiting for our deal to fall through so they could get the house. So we knew if we really wanted this house, we had to go for it. So now we're carrying not one, but two big mortgages. Now for the task of cutting back.

We had planned on getting a new van next month when the current lease would run out, but have decided to extend the lease on the one we already have. At $288/mo., that can't be beat. We switched over our phone, tv, and Internet service to AT&T. It's amazing what deals you can get when someone REALLY wants your business. And of course just your everyday stuff. So long to my exciting trips up and down the aisles of Target. I think it's best that I just stay away from there for awhile. Until we sell this house, it's back to basics. That place is dangerous for our checkbook.

In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed that we sell SOON!! *sigh*