Monday, July 24, 2006

We're In!

We've been in our new house two weeks now. It's amazing how fast it felt like home. Maybe because we were never surrounded by boxes. This house is only two streets up from our old house, so we didn't "pack" anything; we loaded up extra-large Rubbermaid tubs with stuff, came and unloaded everything, then took the tubs back to be filled again. Talk about an easy move! Maybe it's because, already living in the neighborhood, we never had that "new family on the block" feeling. Whatever the reason, I think we're going to really like it here. We now have a nice, big yard for the kids to play in, and overall I like the set up of this house better. I loved our other house, but this house just seems to be a better fit for our family.

Speaking of the other still has not sold. eek! We have had SO many close calls. So many potential buyers that I just *knew* were going to make an offer...then nothing. I'm still optimistic that it will happen, I just wish it would hurry up already. It sure would be a big load off our backs. As much as we love this house, I don't feel like we can enjoy it until that house sells. It's definitely going to make for a hard year, but we both agreed that ten years down the road (Lord, let's hope sooner), we will look back and know that it was the best decision we could've made. This is where we're meant to be.

Enough of the house drama. The kids. They sure grow fast, don't they?! Let's see....I don't even know where to start. They've grown and changed so much since I wrote of them last. Their speech is definitely improving. They're all three speaking in sentences, though it's not exactly "conversation-style" yet. AR is right where she should be, or at least close. The boys, mainly SA, are very hard for other people to understand. I can understand most of what they say, but other's for the most part have difficulty understanding them. But they are definitely making progress.

Now that we're all settled, I should be more regular again. AND, more importantly, I can finally catch up with everyone else! Whew!