Monday, September 11, 2006

Heaven Help Me

I truly believe God gives mothers super human powers - powers that keep them from strangling their children on days like this.

Bloody awful. My children have been bloody awful. One more awful than the others. AR. What happened to my sweet little girl? Sure my kids do some highly-annoying two-year old things, they act up, they scream - but they're two, it's expected. But overall they are really good kids. They say please, thank you, they give each other kisses and hugs throughout the day. They mind...most of the time.

Now they're starting school in two days, and some sort of evil spirit has taken over my daughter. This has been one of the worst days I've had in a long, long time. She has been hitting her brothers all day - sometimes with her hand, other times with a hard toy. She threw her crayons off the table as a signal she's done; tossed her food off the table as a signal of her disapproval of meal choice. I've taken toys away, she marches - no, skips - to time-out, I've spanked (something I do only when at the very, very end of my rope), nothing works.

Then *WACK*, she hits SA over the head with a plastic bird house. What do I notice in her other hand? Her most-prized possession - her Dora doll. Finally a toy she really cares about. I've got something now. I swipe Dora out of her hand, stoop down to tell her what she did wrong...blahblahblah...then put Dora in AR's crib - where she can't reach her. "Dora is going to bed because you've been mean. She's staying there until you go to bed. Which will be early the way we're going."

This was about 30 minutes before bedtime, and she repeatedly kept asking for 'My Dora.' When I would say no and explain again why Dora was sleeping, AR would reply, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh," with her bottom lip out. I can't describe exactly, but she did this so cute, I was thankful to have something to laugh at finally.

Now the boys are sleeping and AR's still in her bed screaming her lungs out. I'm so done. What a long, awful day.

Thank you, Lord, for the powers you have given me.