This is what happens when you let your kids stay up to watch fireworks. You pay the next day. Boy, do you pay.
The boys were so awful today, I finally put them in their room and closed the door. They eventually fell asleep. When they woke from their nap, they were new children. AR on the other hand, well, sometime's there's just no getting her to do something she doesn't want to do. A nap today was one of those things. Now the screaming and (my) yelling has been so bad, I'm sure everyone within a five-mile radius knows we're having a bad day.
Now I'm bleeding. Yes, I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding because my daughter doesn't want to go to bed. She's so damn tired she's delirious. She refused to brush her teeth, so I had to pin her down...I maybe got three teeth clean. Then I had to carry her into bed...upside down mind you (not on purpose, it's just what happens when a three-year old is kicking and hitting you while being held)...and hold her down just long enough to plan my getaway. During this time she kicked my legs, my left cheek, my arms - and I have numerous scratches over every exposed part of my body.
Please God, make tomorrow a better day.