Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ramblings of an Insomniac

Can't sleep. Shouldn't have taken that nap with RD today. So much I could've gotten done instead of sleeping.

Worried about AR's surgery. Having cyst removed from neck in three weeks. Worried about my procedure. Having suspicious-looking mole removed from my leg in one week. God, if it's cancerous and I die...I'll leave my poor children motherless. There's so much I'll miss... I do sound crazy. Over-reaction, anyone?

So much to be done around the house. Colors. What colors should we do? I hope the shutters are in soon. Neighbors seem nice. Someone's always outside. Always. Seems almost "Stepford-like" around here. Not that that's a bad thing, just...different.

I hope RD's having a good night at work. I hope he doesn't sleep too long when he gets home...I really would like to get him to go with me to look at that patio furniture tomorrow. Hope he likes it as much as I do.

I can't believe my ex-boyfriend's friend is my neighbor. Oh, yes, you read that right. I'm okay with that...I hope RD's okay with that. If he wasn't, he'd never say it. I have a feeling we'll be running into "the ex." Kinda weird. Oh well. We're all grown ups, right?

Guess I'll try to get to sleep...again.

Have a good night, everyone!