Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Loosening the reigns

I'm trying to loosen the reigns a bit with my children. I'm not what I consider an overprotective mom really, but when you have three small ones, my God things can spiral out of control in a matter of seconds. But the kids aren't exactly toddlers anymore, and the need to be watching their every move is no longer necessary, nor is it practical.

Before if the kids went upstairs to play, I went upstairs. I'm a get-down-on-the-floor-and-play-with-the-kids kind of mom, but I would always encourage them to play on their own at times as well...but I was never far. Keeping such a short leash on them has caused many meltdowns - their's and mine. Now they can play upstairs and I'll go about my business downstairs, doing laundry, cleaning, etc., and to my amazement, they've done great. I know this sounds crazy to some, but until you've experienced life with triplets, no judging! ;) You're probably wondering how did I ever get anything done?! It's not that I never just went to another side of the house for awhile, it's just that I'm now allowing more room for trust - within reason, they are only 3 - and I'm giving us all a little more space.

Maybe now we'll all be able to breathe a little easier.


What was that noise?!