Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What's the rush?

What is it about being ''the mommy'' that always has us in a hurry? It seems everything I do is rushed. Gone are the days when I can do whatever the hell I want at my leisure.

I rush through grocery shopping so that I can make it home and get all the groceries put away before the kids get up from their naps. I do this when RD is home, so you think I could take my time, but I can always count on two to three calls at a minimum while I'm out, "Are you almost done? The kids will be up soon." The same goes for any other errands to Target or wherever.

Let's not even get started on trips out with the kids. Just getting out the door is a big production. There's diaper checks, loading of the diaper bag, socks, shoes, sippies, snacks, and depending on the weather, jackets. During this entire process there is usually one, if not two, of them forcing me to play a game of hide and seek. As soon as we get in the van, the requests for Elmo start. I usually *treat* them with a video on the way home if they've been good, but that doesn't stop them from chanting for it the second they get in the van. Then the ERRAND. Running errands with the kids...HELL. What happened to my well-behaved children? They used to be so great when we went out. I would see moms with screaming kids and think how lucky I was to have these awesome kids that never fussed...HA! Those days are long gone.

Even cleaning is rushed. If the kids are up, I'm rushing so that I can get back to them, or at least sneak peeks at them to make sure they're not starting fires. If they're sleeping, I'm rushing through so that I can get to the "me time." Thoughts of, "I WANT TO SIT DOWN. I WANT TO SIT DOWN. I WANT TO SIT DOWN." are rushing through my head, urging me to get through the task at hand as fast as humanly possible.

Want to hear something really awful? I tell RD if he has any hopes of getting some action, he better move fast, because any hesitation on his part and he can forget it - I'm out. Give me too much time in bed to unwind, and it's snooze-time for me, baby.

And things are just getting started. I can't even imagine what it will be like with three kids in school...all the sports, projects......and so on...and so on.

*Deep breath*

Hey...isn't Mother's Day coming up? Hmmm....a day to put my feet up! Oh wait...no. That's not right. We get to get together with the family and wait on "OUR" mothers. Aw geez.

Okay, I'll stop bitching now.