Monday, October 17, 2005

Bit of This, Bit of That

I went to my good friend, A's, Friday night for an At Home Party. We had such a good time. RD stayed home with the kids, what a treat! We had a great time sharing stories of the past, reminiscing about old times. You know...those stories you share when the hubbies aren't around. RD still says he can't imagine me being a "party girl." Oh, honey, if you only knew. I wasn't always so innocent. ;) Those were the days! So glad they're behind me!


The kids have been so wonderful the past few days. God's good like that. Just when the kids are about to send me over the edge, he gives me a taste of the good life - reminding me how precious these three babies are. They're so sweet, so loving, so perfect...well...almost perfect. ;) They're dishing out kisses and thank you's without being asked, keeping tantrums to a minimum, and being so kind to their siblings. Just heavenly.


Why do so few people know their directions? Is North/South/East/West so hard? I swear...being new to the area, I have had to ask directions my fair share of times - when I ask, "So is XXX Street North or South of Highway XX," I get (almost every time), "Uh...I don't know." What do you mean you don't know? Is it THAT difficult to figure out? Geesh.


Grey's Anatomy - LOVE THIS SHOW! It seems to be getting better and better each week. I'd been getting a bit burned out on ER, so I didn't think I'd be interested in another medical drama, but I gotta say it's pretty good.


Our security system is being installed next Wednesday. Now we can all sleep better.

--------------------------- heavenly little children are screaming at each other, so I gotta go. Be back when the angels are sleeping.