Monday, October 24, 2005


Now back to reality!

I had a wonderful weekend! It was the annual girls' trip down to the lake...and more the outlet malls. My Aunt and Uncle have a condo down at the Lake of the Ozarks, and all the girls in our family (my dad's side) head down for some serious eating and some hardcore shopping.

We had such a great time! You should see what all I bought! Wow! We always have a contest (that no one really wants to win) on who buys the most each year. I have to say I won hands down this year. I got about half of our Christmas shopping done, some clothes for next year for the kids (Children's Place had a great dollar rack!), and some fun stuff for around the house. I got a fountain for our garden in the backyard for a steal - $100! The fountains we were looking at around home were $300 or more. I also got some lamps for our bedroom for 12 DOLLARS EACH!!!! Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

As much fun as we had, I couldn't wait to get home to see RD and the kids. Unfortunately, RD, AR, and SA all have awful colds. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before SJ and I catch it ourselves. RD had the house spotless when I got back. Damn, he's the greatest.

It was a wonderful time and very refreshing. Just one more year until we get to do this all again!!

Time to go tend to my sick children. I hope you all had a great weekend!