Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Boring Post

I haven't been able to get on-line, as our Internet has been down, but it's FINALLY up and running again! After bad-mouthing our Internet provider, we've finally come to the conclusion that it's our computer not the service. Not as easy a problem to fix...

We went to Sears to get the kids pictures taken this morning. What an ordeal. Awful. Just awful. The photographer was totally obnoxious and the more the kids fussed, the louder she got. We went ahead and ordered a few photos, just for our trouble, but I don't know that any of these will make it to our walls.

I cleaned out a few of our closets today. We've only been here a few months, but the closets quickly became the place to stash all the junk we had no idea what to do with.

Oh brother. RD's on the floor next to me...he just said, "Let's go have sex now." Are you kidding me? Gotta love the boy for trying. It's hot...I'm know the drill. Well...maybe it would make for a nice break in the afternoon. Hmmmm....

Told you this was a boring post! Until next time...