Friday, January 13, 2006

Five Weird Habits I Have

The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits I have" and people who get tagged then write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says you have been tagged? (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

  1. I type what people are saying 'in my head' as people are talking or while I'm watching something on television. Sometimes my fingers will be going through the motions while my hands are resting on my lap. It's very strange and I have no reason why, it's just a weird thing I started doing years ago. Maybe that's why people are always telling me what a great listener I am...little do they know I'm transcribing what they're saying in my head.
  2. While I'm trying to get to sleep at night, I'll usually play out some event that's coming up in my head (e.g., holiday party, some random get-together, etc.). And usually, no always, in this play-by-play fantasy, I'm prettier, much thinner, and dressed to kill.
  3. Now this I shouldn't share. It's gross and weird, but weird IS the point of this whole thing, right? I like the smell of my own gas. But...doesn't everybody? Not mine I mean, but their own.
  4. I always salt my food before tasting it. I love salt. LOVE IT. This frustrates RD to no end that I won't at least taste it first, but I can't not do it.
  5. When reading a book, before I get into it, I have to have a face for each character. It sometimes takes me awhile to get started because I'm trying to find the right face for the characters. I have to have a mental picture of each person. I usually use famous actors or actresses, but more recently I've used neighbors or friends.

I tag Christine , Mommy D, Girl, Terri, and Grace.