Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Week in Review

I know I've been MIA. Even though the holidays have passed, it's still been busy around here.

My birthday came and went. I swear as soon as I hit 30, birthdays went downhill for me. My 30th birthday I was in the hospital with the flu, pregnant, while RD was in Denver for a wedding. My 31st birthday RD worked and the kids and I were sick. This year RD worked AND didn't even remember it was my birthday until the day was half over. Nice. Real nice. He did bring me flowers when he got off work, but hating to be such a "girl," it really hurt that he forgot. He didn't seem to think it was a big deal, but then I'm the one that gets all crazy excited over birthdays and holidays; he could care less. But since I care so much, isn't that exactly why he should try harder? That's my theory anyway. He doesn't seem to agree. Boo hoo. Oh well. Moving on.

My birthday gift...LOVE IT. Before the hubster gets slack for what he got me, let me first say that he didn't ask me what I wanted, I told him what I wanted AND went out and bought it before Christmas because I just couldn't wait until December 27. And the 20% off coupon I had expired December 26, and who wants to go shopping then? Not me! I got the Dyson DC14 Animal vacuum. The first night I had it I vacuumed at 10 o'clock that night because I was so excited. What does that say about me? All I can say is...whoa. RD got off late that night and when he came to bed he said, "Our carpet's amazing. I didn't even turn the lights on and I could feel it all fluffy under my feet." Yea. We're both sick.

New Year's. Eh. RD had to work at 11 p.m., so nothing planned. We made prime rib for dinner. It was delicious. 6 pounds was the smallest size Sam's had, so we've been eating prime lib for lunch, snacks, breakfast, you name it. We just finished it up lastnight.

Christmas stuff is down. It was actually hard for me this year. I don't know if it's the new house, the kids, or what, but I hated doing it. Not the actual act of it, but hate it being gone. This is strange for me because in the past I was always one who wanted it all down, all sign of Christmas gone December 26. This year was different. It just seemed to come and go too fast this year.

One big thing...for me anyway...is I've been catching up with an old friend. Someone I hadn't seen or talked to since my wedding. It deserves a whole post in itself, so that will have to wait for another day.

Well the kids are screaming, so naptime's over. I hope everyone's week is going well!