Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Random Rubbish

First I want to thank all my friends here for all your thoughts and prayers for my Grandpa. I've really "met" a lot of great people out here in BlogLand. doesn't seem right to say he's better really. They said he'll probably make it two to three weeks as opposed to the original few days to a week prediction. The end result is still the same, so I guess all we can do is be thankful that we have a few more days with this wonderful man.


I'm not wanting to make a big deal about it, because making a big deal of something has seemed to have set me up for failure in the past...but...I'm doing Weight Watchers again and so far I am pretty happy with the results. The scale isn't so impressive - in three weeks I have only lost two pounds, but my clothes are all fitting better. And...didn't I hear Oprah say once that you shouldn't go by the pounds lost but by how your clothes fit? And she also said you shouldn't weigh yourself the first two months of a diet. I'll go with what she said. :)


I'm getting out two nights in a row...then again this Saturday. Stand back! This woman's wild! Tonight I'm going to a Pampered Chef party down the street. Yes, another one. I don't know that I could possibly fit another Pampered Chef product in my kitchen, but I'm excited to get out nonetheless. Then tomorrow night I'm going out for dinner and a movie with a few of my cousins. Saturday night RD and I are going out to dinner. I left a message with our regular sitter down the street, but haven't heard back from her. No worries though, my mom, crazy old bat that she is, was kind enough to offer to watch if our sitter can not. So we've got a date! Woo hoo!


The kids? They're doing well. Cute as ever. Mischievous as ever. They're sitting around in a huddle eating Cheerios off the floor as I type. They're growing so fast. I do believe I owe y'all some pictures, don't I? I'm sure I have plenty of 'anonymous' shots of the kids I can post. I'll to see what I can dig up.