Tuesday, March 07, 2006

How do you use your Noggin?

You've heard this all before. I might as well go back to an earlier post and copy and paste to save me some time.

Life.... Life.... Life is just crazy. The house is a mess, there's laundry in piles in nearly every room, the kids are out of control, there is cat puke stains EVERYWHERE, we're almost out of diapers but the thought of dragging these three crazy toddlers to the store right now is enough to make me break out into a sweat. SERENITY NOW!!

I'm stressed. I'm tired. So why does everybody keep commenting on how amazingly calm and relaxed I always am? Things aren't always as they appear, dear friends. It's either put on a brave face and bottle things up or risk acting out on these emotions raging inside and face the possibility of being locked up in a very small cell. "Your house is always spotless," they say. It's spotless because I'm constantly cleaning during every spare moment because when things spin out of control like they do today, my efforts to catch up might just be the straw that breaks me - so I do little bits each day. I have not the time nor energy to spend a day or more catching up on what I've put off in the days preceding.

Some days I feel like Superwoman - thinking I am truly awesome to accomplish what I do each day. Then other days I think I'm not only fooling everyone else, but I'm fooling myself. It's so hard to keep up. So hard to stay focused - focused on what really matters. I'm just so drained...and I CAN'T GET LAURIE BERKNER'S SONGS OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!! I just can't stop singing these damn songs. I'm a Googlehead. Shake your Noodlehead. I'm a Googa-Googa-Googa-Googa-Googlehead, too.

Yes, folks, I think I might have officially lost it. Deep breath. I may have temporarily gone a wee-bit insane, but I promise I'll be back on track tomorrow. Okay, maybe not tomorrow, but surely it'll happen soon, right? I can't stay like this forever. Can I?

I'm not perfect. No, I'm not. I'm not perfect, and you know, I like it that way.