Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Winter Blues

It's the first day of Spring and wouldn't you know this morning we were greeted with three inches of SNOW. blech.ugh.glach. I'm itching for Spring like you wouldn't believe.

Now I know I shouldn't complain. We had quite an easy winter. A few snows - just enough to get my snow-fix. Only one snowfall did I have to shovel the driveway...and I probably could've gotten away with not doing it at all. I was just that bored. Hard to imagine, isn't it? There were many days this winter that we took the kids for a walk, ate out on the deck, played outside. Maybe that's why I'm yearning so bad for the Spring. So many little teasers.

Last week we had the kids out in the yard playing on the new swingset. I made excuses to run to Lowe's just so I could check out all the new plants and flowers they're setting out. RD and I have been circling the yard, exchanging ideas for what we'll plant where. It hit me - that rush of excitement I get every year at this time. I was cleaning out drawers and closets. Doing something with all the crap (mostly pitching) I had stashed away when we moved in, not knowing what else to do with it. I started cleaning out the basement, making way for the play-area we're going to set up for the kids so they can run in and out during nice days. I painted the laundry room a nice sunshine-color and RD put up cabinets - making it feel like an actual room now. And while doing all this, I had the windows open, breathing in the fresh air, listening to all the kids in the neighborhood playing outside. I'm ready. Loving the projects. Taking in the energy a new season brings.

Then snow. NO!NO!NO! Snow, snow go away! How quickly I fall back into my winter slump. I tell ya I'm getting cabin fever being cooped up in here like this. I want to feel the warm sun on my skin (gooped up with sunscreen of course because I'm a walking Melanoma waiting to happen). I want to run with the kids. I want to go to the park. Have a picnic.

I'd like to come on here and talk about how wonderful everything is instead of bitching. Oh wait. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. sigh. Patience never was my strongsuit. Spring will come. Until then, I think I'll kick back with some hot chocolate and sit by the fire. Might as well make the best of it.