Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Plug this

I'm always falling in love with different products...AND I thought I'd share! It's been awhile.

Weight Watcher's Snack Cakes - These are so good AND if you're counting, they're only 1 POINT each! My favorite is the Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. DELICIOUS!! They come six in a box and I usually end up eating a box at a even though they're only 1 point each, it's usually a 6-point snack for me. eek!

Healthy Choice Zesty Gumbo and Fiesta Chicken Soups - Again with the WW points, they're great tasting soups and they're each only 2 points a can!

South Beach Diet Peanut Butter Cereal Bar - No, I'm not on the South Beach Diet, but I have tried several of their food products, and I've liked all of them so far. My favorite is the Peanut Butter Cereal Bar (WW = 3 pts.). It comes in chocolate as well - also yummy!

Elizabeth Arden's Prevage - Very pricey ($150 for 1.7 oz. bottle), but well worth it if you can afford it. I started taking care of my skin way too late in life, but better late than never. I've been using this product a little over three weeks and have already noticed considerable changes in my skin. I started using it after I saw my MIL's results. We had her over for dinner awhile back and I noticed how great her skin looked. She honestly looked ten years younger. I asked her if she'd been doing anything different and she mentioned this product. I'm so glad because I love it!

Method Products - I couldn't find a link to any of their products. I think they're a Target-brand, but I'm not sure. That's the only place I remember seeing their products. Two of my faves are their leather-cleaning wipes and their stainless steel wipes. Whether it's cleaning everyday messes off the couch or getting little finger prints off the fridge, their wipes work wonders. And it's so easy! I also like their marble-cleaner for the shower. It's the only all-natural cleaner I could find that I knew for certain wouldn't harm our marble. I just bought a lavender plug-in air freshener for our masterbath and am loving it so far. - I read one or two books a week and it sure can get expensive. One of my friends directed me to this website. It's affiliated with Ebay, but it's not run as an auction. You can buy USEDUSED books for as low as 25 cents or books like new for just a few dollars. I've bought many books from them and have had all positive experiences.

Family Fun Magazine - I just recently subscribed to this magazine. I've kind of grown tired of Parents magazine, only because about only a third applies to me right now. Most of it is baby stuff, then the rest older kid stuff. What I do like in Parents is the craft and game ideas. That's what this Family Fun Magazine is all about. Front to back it's all fun craft, game, and recipe ideas for all ages. I would say I have about 80% of each issue dog-eared so far. Great mag for parents!

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure I'll think of many other things while lying in bed tonight. If I do, I'll post them tomorrow.

Have a great night! Remember...chant with me now...SNOW SNOW GO AWAY! (okay...the snow is gone, but it's still damn cold)