Thursday, August 11, 2005

9 O'Clock...Let There Be Rest

It's wonderful having a bigger house now. More room for the kids to roam around...more room to play...more room to get away from each other when we want to...more room for guests...MORE TO CLEAN. Wait...what was that last part? The cleaning never stops!

I'm one of those anal people that likes to have everything "just so" at all times. I obviously had to make some adjustments when the kids came - there's no "just so" when there's kids around - but you could bet by the end of the day when I'd retire to bed for the night, the house would be perfect. I love starting the day off with everything spotless. A fresh slate you might say. Though time-consuming, it was definitely do-able in our last house. Now our house has tripled in size and I could be picking up and cleaning into the wee hours if I kept at the same rate I did before. It's just not possible. I was spending every waking hour (that wasn't spent with the kids of course) cleaning.

We talked about getting a cleaning service. But I really don't know that it would help much. Though the deep cleaning is a pain in the *ss, it's the day-to-day cleaning that is keeping me running. Not to mention I'm so picky about how I want things done, I'd be hard pressed to find someone that would do a job to my liking. I're probably rolling your eyes right now!
So what do we do? I finally set a cut-off time for myself each night - and RD has decided to do the same. By 9 p.m. each evening, I am done. Whether or not all the "chores" are done by 9 p.m., I am. The kids go to bed at 8 p.m. and that will give me an hour to wrap up what I didn't get done during the day. It will be so nice to actually sit down for an hour or two and just do nothing. I could some t.v....imagine the possibilities!

On a side's raining. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! We have new sod out front and seed and straw in the back, so yes, we've been doing rain dances everyday...BUT...we had 100-degree weather and no clouds in sight, so I spent the better half of the kids' nap watering the yard. I come come the clouds and down comes the rain. Oy-vay.

My daughter is giving me the sweetest hug and biggest smile...gotta run. :)