Tuesday, August 23, 2005


We got a lot done this past week. We got the living room and family room painted, the remainder of our lights that were on back-order were installed, our shutters were installed, and RD and I built a retaining wall at the front of the house. He's going to start on the retaining wall in the backyard today, and I should hopefully get started on painting our bonus room sometime in the next week. I'm slowly getting pieces here and there to fill up some of the space. I'm wanting to hold off on hanging pictures until I know where all the furniture and stuff will be arranged once we're done. I ordered this really beautiful mirror from Crate and Barrel. I think it will look great over the fireplace.

The kids have been so good lately. We went through a really tough week, and the only thing different we could think of was that we had moved them to one nap instead of two. I keep thinking they should be ready, but obviously they're not, so I don't want to push it. I think AR is fine with one, but the boys seem to need much more sleep than she does. They are doing so many cute things! AR is such a girl. She loves putting things on her wrist to wear as a bracelet (even strange things like sandals, etc.), she likes to walk around in our shoes, loves for me to cut her nails, loves to *try* to brush her hair, and she's always picking up and wiping the floor with clothes or towels...or whatever she can get her hands on (where do you think she got that from? ha!). SA - we joke that he's the hall monitor. He is a mere 18 months, but is already tattling on everybody. Funny thing is...he's our most mischievous one! He'll stand and jump on the couch while yelling, "Get Down! Get Down!" (I think I might've posted about this before, but humor me...my memory's not what it used to be!). Sweet SJ - I've posted before about him being the more high-maintenance of the three...okay...the whiniest of the three. He's been much better. His tantrums are still the longest and loudest of the three, but he has been so much fun lately. He has the sweetest and most gentle personality. Sensitive, yes, but I wouldn't change a thing. He's so precious.

I am really loving it here. We moved to a city we swore we would never move to. I don't know what our big hang up was. I guess it seemed like too big of a hike from where we were from...too something...just different than what we were used to. I am loving it. We both are. The people here are wonderful. Everyone is so nice. There are so many young families - so many kids. Yesterday, AR would not nap, so I finally gave up and got her up, took her out on the deck and saw there were a couple moms with their kids playing in the yard behind us, so I took her over there and let her play for a bit. It's been so dang hot this Summer, I haven't been outside much, so I haven't had a chance to really get to know many people, but with the cooler temperatures we have ahead of us, that should hopefully change.

It's snack time, so I gotta run. Hope everyone's week is going well!