Sunday, December 26, 2004

Pet Peeves of the Day

I believe I have more pet peeves than the average person. I've more than once thought of writing a post filled entirely of pet peeves. If I were to do that, I would give away how truly bitchy and uptight I can be, and why would I want to do that? *innocent smile...heeheehee*

I'll post them every now and then, and I'll try to space them apart so you don't get sick of me whining about all the things people do that really aggravate me.

1. Scraping of teeth on a fork - *Screeeeech* Do people not realize how horrible it sounds to hear someone scrape the food off their fork with their teeth? It's like nails on a chalk board!
2. Slurping of soup and/or coffee - I realize it's hot, but do you have to make that annoyingly-loud slurping noise? It is possible to sip without making that awful noise.
3. They've always got it worse - When you talk about something bad that happened, or possibly you were sick, and the person says, "Oh...that's okay...I had such-and-such happen to me...," implying that whatever ailment they had or whatever happened to them just had to of been much worse. I'm sure their intention is not to say that you don't matter, but it is very belittling and discounts whatever it is you just said.
4. Phone etiquette - This may be a little over-the-top, and maybe I'm expecting too much out of people, but I think that when you call someone you should ask them if it's an okay time to talk (i.e., 'are you busy'...'is this an okay time for you'...'do you have time to talk', etc.). This always bothered me when I was at work - I would answer the phone, the caller (friend, family, etc.) would launch into whatever they had to say; nevermind, that maybe I was swamped or that my boss was possibly hovering over my shoulder. Now that I have kids it still drives me crazy. I could be in the middle of a feeding, changing a diaper, chasing babies in every direction...just ask if it's a good time. It seems to make all the sense in the world to me, but...I dunno...maybe my expectations are a little over-the-top.
5. Tardiness - Everybody does it. I know there are always exceptions. I just wish people would at the very least call. I think it is disrespectful of everyone's time expecting them to hold things off (oh...I don't say dinner...or...opening Christmas presents) until you're ready to arrive. Because people like...oh...I don't might have woken babies up from a nap so that we could arrive on time...only to wait around for an hour for everyone else to arrive.

Whew! I feel much better now! *haaaaa...breathe out...breathe in*

What are some of your pet peeves?