Monday, September 12, 2005

One more week to worry

AR's surgery has been rescheduled for next Monday. I was afraid this was going to happen. She came down with a fever Friday - it was gone by Saturday - and all three had a red rash from head to toe by Sunday morning. The doctor thinks it's Roseola. I called the ENT Doc Friday and this morning, and the nurse said that it would be okay to proceed. After making the poor thing go all morning and part of the afternoon without anything to eat or drink, having RD's mom take the day off work to watch the boys, and spending two hours in the waiting room (let me tell you how much fun THAT is with an 18 month old!), we were told they wouldn't do the surgery due to the rash.

SO...this is the third time we've had to reschedule. I sure hope this isn't a sign. I told you I have an over-active imagination!