Saturday, November 05, 2005

Grown-up Type'a Weekend

Okay, I feel like a total grown-up now. I totally get that I am a grown-up, and have been for some time, but I still feel like a kid. I feel like a kid playing house sometimes. I may look all of my 31 (getting close to 32) years, but I sure don't feel like it (except for my back pains...and crow's feet...and snail's pace get the idea). Sometimes I still have to pinch myself when I see that I'm married with three kids living in Suburbia. House payment and all. But anyway...where was I? Oh yes... I had a total grown-up moment today...

RD left for Chicago this afternoon to take his boards. His flight comes in tomorrow at 8:20 p.m. - right in the middle of Desperate Housewives...what on Earth was he thinking(?!?!) - and I needed someone to watch the kids while I pick him up. A neighbor-girl stopped by a while back offering to babysit, so I gave her a call. When she called back she...gulp...called me "Mrs. XXX". -insert shocking horror music here- "Please, please call me Mel, because calling me Mrs. XXX makes me feel really, really old and someday you'll understand that's a really, really bad thing. You see I like to think I'm this young, cute, itty-bitty thing that just happens to have three kids and a husband, so don't jolt me back into reality by addressing me as you would your Great Aunt Jane's friend, m'kay?" Okay, I didn't really say that, but it did cross my mind.

So that was my moment of the day. They seem to be plentiful these days.

As for the rest of my weekend, lastnight I painted the guest bedroom. The color is sort of a coffee with cream kind of look. A very relaxing, and what I would call yummy, color.

Tonight, my friend, C, came over for dinner and we rented a movie after the kids went to bed. This was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time and I highly recommend it. If you haven't watched it yet, you've gotta put this movie on your gotta-watch list, because it is that good. Crash. I laughed, I cried, I got really pissed off. You've got to watch this movie.

Tomorrow, not much on the agenda. I need to go to the store to get the Sunday paper (gotta get my coupons...yes, very old lady of me...teehee), and I've got to get some cash to pay the sitter. Other than that, nada.

Time to go through my US Weekly. Britney's pissed off and Jessica's once again not wearing her ring. Oh the drama!

Until next time, have a great weekend!