Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I think I've got everything I need for Thursday. It's my first turkey, so it's safe to say I have a bit of turkey-anxiety. Cross all crossables that I leave us with an edible - and maybe even delicious - meal. There's only going to be three of us, plus the kids. Then Saturday we're doing it all again with two other couples. It will be good practice for when we host Christmas - serving close to 30 people, plus a gaggle of children. eek! Practice makes perfect, they say...


I'm going to see "Wicked" tomorrow night. I was hoping to get through the book in time for the show, but it's not exactly a quick read - I'm maybe a third of the way through. I used to be an avid reader, but since I've had kids, I'm just too damn tired anymore. I'm really looking forward to the show. It starts at 8 p.m. and goes to 11 p.m., so I'm sure it will be midnight at the earliest before I get home. That's LATE for me. If I make it to the first guest of Letterman, it's a big deal.


RD and I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and got everything we needed to make our wreath. This is what I was going for. I need to take a picture of it. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Though...RD did most of the work, though he wouldn't want me to share that. ;)


We decided to wait on the train set for the kids. I think they're still a little young to appreciate it, so we'll reconsider it when their birthday comes around. So now I'm trying to think of something else and I'm drawing a blank. This (21 months) is a really hard age to buy for. They're past all the baby-stuff, but they're still too young for most everything else. My mom's getting them a big, play kitchen; RD's mom is getting them this big Dora-house thing that they can play in; and his sister is getting them these Flinstone-type cars they can ride in. What toys did your children love at this age? As for what they're into right now...Elmo, dogs, babies (I bought a Cabbage Patch Baby for AR), and planes. You can only buy so many Elmo's.


Something I'm very excited about...I will have a new look soon! The kids aren't exactly babies anymore (though I'm in constant denial), so I wanted to change things up a bit. Mia is working on something, and I hope to have it up soon. Stay tuned!