Monday, December 12, 2005

Blah Blah Blah

I'm just feeling blah. Down about my weight. Stressed over the bathroom. Tired.

How do you like the new look? I'm happy with it. I loved the other one, and I think this one will take some getting used to, but I was ready for a change.

I really need to finish up our Christmas shopping. RD doesn't go in until late tomorrow night, so he mentioned us going out to get the kids' stuff tomorrow. We'd have to take them with us, but they'll be clueless. We could probably get away with not getting them anything (they're young enough not to know, and they'll get lots of presents from family), but we didn't get them anything last year, so I'm really wanting to get them gifts this year. We need to do a complete overhaul in here anyway. They have so many "baby" toys - we need to clean a lot of this out and bring the new stuff in. Like last year, I think I'll be more excited over their new toys than they are. Even if they're not sick of these same 'ole toys, I am.

One of my neighbors brought her girls over to play today. E is four years old and M is 20 months old. The kids had a lot of fun playing with each other and I had a lot of fun chatting with someone my own age. I really like her a lot. I'm excited at the thought of having maybe met someone in the neighborhood I could be good friends with. There are a lot of friendly women in the neighborhood, but we seemed to really click. The next step is seeing if the husbands get along just as well. ha!

I know I've said this before, but damn I love Grey's Anatomy. I really enjoy that show. Unrealistic, sure, but it's pretty entertaining. RD and were both laughing out loud lastnight, and if he's laughing out loud at something, you know it's good. I love the Dr. Shephard (a.k.a Dr. McDreamy)/Addison/Meredith love triangle. As much as I wanted him to pick Meredith, going back to his wife was the right thing to do (a-hem...FOR NOW), because it sure adds to the drama watching the dynamics between the three. I couldn't stand Addison in the beginning, but I've found myself really feeling sorry for her, watching her in pain vying for Derek's love and forgiveness. Enough of my obsession with this show. But I just had to say it!