Friday, November 19, 2004

I Gotta Laugh

Just to give you a picture of what it's like around here...

It took me at least three minutes to get my butt off the floor, from start to finish. Everybody wants to be on my lap. They can easily be distracted with a toy, but once they see their brother or sister is on my lap, well that's just not acceptable. I was reading them a book before naptime, I put SA on my lap (the poor guy has been neglected the past couple days b/c AR and SJ have been requiring my constant attention), then as I start reading AR crawls up onto my left knee and SJ crawls up right on top of SA. Poor, poor SA - he looks up at me, upside down, as if to say, "DO SOMETHING, MOM!" I skipped to the last page in an effort to avoid a complete meltdown...mine. It's time for me to get up...and I can't move. All three of them were piled on top of me and I was finding it nearly impossible to get them each off of me without setting them up for a fall...that or they're back on my lap before I get another one off.

It was quite comical really. Between that and trying to change a diaper on a baby who's determined to be on his stomach, I feel like Super Mom - FASTER THAN A SPEEDING BULLET!