Monday, November 15, 2004

Just a Little Crazy

Everyone has their little quirks. RD and I have more than our fair share of them. We're both very anal and obsessive about some things, most of which, we don't agree on.

I get crazy about the cleanliness of things. Though the house has gone to the pits a bit since the kids have arrived, there are some things I can't...or won't let go. I still Swiffer the floors everyday. C'mon! They're crawling around everywhere...I can't stand to have cat hairs and who knows what else on their hands...which go right in their mouths! I roll their beds and the quilt they play on everyday with a lint-roller. Again with my paranoia over what's going into their mouths. I wipe down all their toys with Clorox wipes at least once a week. And a little over-the-top, but I won't put them down on the carpets in the bedrooms unless they've been freshly-vacuumed. I know this makes me a bit looney, but remember what I said several posts ago about my problem with germs? I wasn't kidding. :)

RD...oh, RD. He gets crazy over our checking account, important papers and/or documents, bills, etc. He is on-line every day checking our bank account. A couple months ago I went to Toys 'r Us, and I wasn't even out of the parking lot yet and my cell phone was ringing - he was asking me what I bought for $XX.XX. On our honeymoon, he kept all our important papers in a large manilla envelope. He kept these in a safe in our room, and he would check everyday to make sure it was still there. I stayed as far away from these papers as I could...b/c as crazy as he is with his IMPORTANT PAPERS, he can't help but lost all these important things he so obsesses about, and I wasn't about to let him blame it on me! I think he's on his third birth certificate since we've been together. He's the one who obsesses over the location of all these things, yet somehow I am the one who always knows where everything is. Maybe it's a guy-thing. I've talked to some friends about this - RD will be looking for something for 20 minutes, then I'll find it in 10 seconds. I've watched him in important step he leaves out is that he doesn't pick things up. He looks around but not through the house, if you know what I mean. And bills...well...they get paid at the latest two weeks before their due date. I swear he breaks into a sweat if it's the week of and it hasn't been paid yet.

What brought this whole post about was his mad dash around the house this morning, looking for his birth certificate. I reminded him of his "important papers" file in the basement. His response? "It wouldn't be in there." Huh? If not there, where on earth would it be? Can't help ya, babe! So, he's on his way to get yet another birth certificate. He needs it so he can send a copy along with an application he's sending to a local hospital. He's having to pay $300 just to apply to each place. Isn't that crazy?!

So that was our crazy morning. I was running around with a lint-brush and RD was running around looking for his missing-in-action birth certificate.

We're a crazy family, but I love it!