Sunday, November 21, 2004

No Time for Lazy

After I put the kids down for their morning nap, I looked around at a house that desperately needed to be cleaned. I don't work out on Sundays, so I had a good hour to get a good chunk of the cleaning done before the kids got up. Well...I didn't get any cleaning done. I headed down to check my e-mail and before I knew it over an hour had passed. There's always the next nap!

Their next naptime approached and I was so excited at the decision I then made. I decided I wasn't showering, not even changing clothes, and damn it, I wasn't going to clean. I decided today was my day to be lazy. I put the kids down for a nap and then went to lie down for a nap myself.

I tried desperately to relax, to let myself unwind and enjoy the peace and quiet. All I could think about was the trash piled up in the kitchen waiting to go outside, the dishes that needed to be put away, the laundry waiting for me in the basement, the floors that needed to be cleaned, and more.

So much for peace and quiet - I just couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and cleaned at a fast and furious pace, trying to get it all done before the kids got up. I didn't get everything done, but at least I made some progress.

Maybe I can schedule in some lazy-time later this week. :)