Saturday, November 06, 2004

A Typical Day

I’ve been asked a few times what a typical day is for me, so here it is! :D

7 a.m.
· The babies start playing, laughing, and babbling in their cribs. I then bury my head further into my pillow, praying for more sleep.

7:30 a.m.
· I wearily get out of bed.
· Put their bottles on the stove.
· Go get each of them up and change them out of their pj’s, then put them in their bouncy seats while I heat up their fruit and cereal.
· Feed them their fruit and cereal, then prop them in their Boppy Pillows to drink their bottles. They’re getting closer to being able to hold their own bottles – once they do, we will move to the high chairs. I’m usually watching “The Today Show” while they’re eating.
· When they’re done I put them back in their bouncy seats to let their bellies settle. While they’re doing this, I eat a bowl of cereal, then clean up the kitchen.
· Then it’s playtime on the floor. I spread out a large quilt in the living room, scatter a bunch of toys on the floor, and they go at it. All the while I watch from the couch (or get on the floor with them) and try to keep them from hurting themselves or each other. They’re really into touching each other’s faces right now. We’ll be lucky if they make it to grade school with six eyes between them.

9:00-9:30 a.m.
· When it looks like they’re showing signs of getting sleepy, I start singing a song to get their attention so I can rally everyone around me, then I read them a book. Then it’s down in their cribs for a nap.
· While they’re napping I walk on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes, watch yesterday’s Days of Our Lives, then check e-mail, Blog, etc.

10:00-10:30 a.m. (depending on when they go down)
· One baby goes in the exercauser, one in the swing, and one on the floor.
· If I’m really inspired to keep working out, I do floor exercises alongside whoever’s on the floor; otherwise, I’m walking around cleaning/picking up.

11:00 a.m.
· Feeding time! Bottle then bouncy seat. I’m usually watching “The Ellen Show” while they’re eating. I prop their bottles, so it’s hands-free for me.
· While they’re in their bouncy seats I eat some lunch and look through the mail.
· Then it’s playtime on the floor once again. I’ll let them play on their own for awhile, then I get some one-on-one time with each of them (e.g., I sit them on my lap and do flash cards, sometimes sing and/or dance to/with them, etc.)

· Song, read story, nap.
· This is when I take my shower, get dressed, etc.
· Check e-mail again…try to get cleaning, laundry done, etc.

2:00-2:30 p.m.
· One baby in exercauser, then two on the floor. They tend to get more needy around this time so I’m always down there with them trying to keep everyone calm.

2:45 p.m.
· I feed them their veggies and cereal. Then in their Boppies for their bottle, then bouncy seat. I usually watch “Dr. Phil” during this feeding.
· Playtime on floor.


· Short cat nap. I either make/eat dinner, make phone calls, or hit the computer – depending on whether or not RD is home.

5:00 p.m.
· One baby in exercauser, hold one, RD holds one or swing.
· If RD is home, this is usually when we eat. If the babies are restless, we put in a Baby Einstein video so we can eat.

6:30 p.m.
· Change babies into pj’s, bottle, then bouncy.

7:00 p.m.
· Dim lights.
· I usually sit on the floor with them or take turns holding each of them.

7:30 p.m.

· Read story to them, then off to bed!

Once they’re in bed we clean up all the toys, put the bouncy seats and quilt away, etc. It then finally looks like adults live here.

The rest of the night is our’s! If RD’s not home (or asleep) for the morning feeding, I make the bottles for the next morning before I go to bed.

At some point during the day (sometimes every other day, depending on how it works out) I make a gallon of formula. I have to run 1-2 loads in the dishwasher everyday (which means our kitchen counters are always a mess), and I have to do laundry every damn day. It's amazing how much laundry three little people can produce!

As they're getting more mobile, my regular cleaning is going by the wayside. They're just too busy for me to be worrying about putting things away constantly - then in the evenings I am just too damn tired. So lately our house has been in constant disarray.