Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Can I get a hoooo-yaaaaa

We've been approved! Yeaahhh!! Next step is we're meeting with the builder Monday night to go over what options we would like, and we're going to try to get a better idea of what cost we're looking at here. Let's just say - RD is a nervous wreck. The guy hates to spend money on anything, especially anything big. He's stressing quite a bit. No matter how much money he makes, he will always talk like he hasn't got a pot to piss in. He prefers to call himself frugal, I would use another word (LOL), but you gotta love 'em!

I called to order the kids' cake for their party. I don't know what I have against Winnie the Pooh - I think just because he's overdone, but I just don't like Pooh. BUT that's the only style in which I could find the plates, the hats, the cups...the whole shabang, so Pooh it is. I asked Sam's Club Bakery if they have any Winnie the Pooh designs they could put on the cake. She yelled back to ask their designer, then came back on the line and said, "Yea, we have Pooh here." heeheeheehee! It took everything in me to hold back the laughter. I thought about making a crack back at her about their POO, but she didn't seem like one to get my kind of humor, so I let it slide.

I've got a super long entry that's been sitting as a draft for a long time. I'm hoping to get it done someone in the next couple of days. Those are always the fun ones. Almost like little therapy sessions. RD doesn't get the whole blog-thing, and teases me about it often. He doesn't understand he should be thanking me, because thanks to Blog Land, I get all my frustrations out through the Internet instead of him.