Sunday, February 20, 2005

Yet even more randoms

I've got tunnel vision happening right now with this house deal. Why did we have to try for loan approval the Friday before President's Day weekend? It's making for a long weekend. So you'll have to bare with me, as some random thoughts are all I can muster right now.

I think AR is going to take her first steps any day now. Each day she is standing unassisted longer and longer. She even will do her little bounce/jump jig and clap her hands while standing, she just hasn't made that step forward yet. It's such a conflict of emotions for me. I'm excited, yet sad at the same time. Yes, again...THEY'RE GROWING UP TOO FAST!!

They are doing great with table foods. Once they started, we didn't look back. They're eating chicken nuggets, grilled cheese sandwiches, pancakes, waffles, french toast sticks, green beans, fish sticks, mac & cheese - you name it. This might sound strange, but I love the sound of them eating. I'll turn the stereo or tv down and just listen to them chewing, swallowing, and humming their little mmm-mmm-mmm-this-tastes-good tune.

The visiting nurse weighed them the other day. AR was 19 lb. 6 oz., SJ was 20 lb. 7 oz., and SA was 22 lb. 5 oz. SA's so big, but so solid!

I watched
What Not to Wear yesterday on TLC. They made over a woman who I guess riverdanced (The website said it was Irish step dancing, but by the looks of it, it's the same thing?). She kept doing her little riverdance throughout the whole show - down the sidewalk, in the fitting rooms, in the middle of the stores. It was very annoying. RD said, "I'm sure they made her do that." No one would make anyone look that ridiculous. It almost made me turn the channel. Awful. Nothing against riverdancing. Hey, if that's your thing, that's great. Just don't do it down the aisles of DSW. Ugh.

The kids birthday party is this Saturday. I am not at all prepared. I need to order the cake and figure out what kind of appetizers I'm going to get. I guess I should pick up some decorations as well. See how bad I get? I've gotten so wrapped up in this house, the kids' birthday party has taken the back burner. I'm so awful. If they were of an age that they would know any different, I would be more obsessive about the party than anything, but I figure it's more for us than them. They won't even know any different. I know - I sound awful. It'll all come together in the end. Sometimes I think I do better last minute anyway.

Well, my bladder is about to burst, so I guess I'll wrap this up. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!

Until next time...