Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wipe away the cobwebs and the sorrow

As my babies' first birthday approaches, I'm finding it hard to get very excited. Don't get me wrong, they are so much fun right now. Each month that passes I say, "This is my favorite age!!"

People always say, "They grow so fast!" The truth in those words is almost painful at times. I went over to visit my friend, D, and her new baby - just a few weeks old. Holding her, I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that there was a time AR, SJ, and SA were that tiny. Even smaller! Wow. My babies...they don't even seem like babies anymore. With the excitement of each milestone, I find myself mourning those that have passed.

That's why I want to thank Suzanne over at Dot Moms for writing this. Reading her story, it gave me the kick in the butt I needed. It reminded me that each day is a milestone and every tomorrow is a blessing - not something to fear, but something to embrace.

Thank you.