Friday, February 25, 2005

Mommy needs...

...her husband to cut back on the "I don't know's" because they drive her crazy.
Me: Should I get beer for the (birthday) party?
RD: Do you think we should?
Me: I asked you. Do you think we should have beer?
RD: I don't know.
Me: Deep breath... I really need a better answer than "I don't know"?

...her husband to not leave his shoes in the foyer anymore, because the babies really like to chew on them (nice germ-infested shoes, fresh from the ER). remember that she at one time was that childless friend that "didn't get" how crazy life is as a parent, when she gets angered by all the ignorant, unknowing, how-can-you-be-so-busy-when-you're-home-all-day comments from her childless friends. realize that those little comments she says in anger when her children frustrate her, aren't going to be meaningless babble to her children much longer. Though they can't speak, they're understanding more and more, so mommy must choose her words carefully, because words can hurt so much. actually look at her to-do list. Mommy keeps forgetting how forgetful she is. get back on the weight-loss wagon - because it's hard to feel sorry for someone who isn't even trying. take more pictures of her children and write more often in their journals - because they grow so fast, and she won't remember as much as she thinks she will.