Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Creepy Dude

I called our local Police Department today to report something I probably should have called in days ago. Last Saturday night at 9:20 p.m., I heard something at our door (we had the big door open, the screen door was locked). I stood up and walked to the door, then I heard light knocking...more like tapping. There was a black man wearing dress pants, a yellow (or cream? it was dark) shirt, w/a tie, holding papers. Our porch light was out so it was kind of hard to see him. I was extremely annoyed at the time, but in hindsight, I started wondering if he had other motives.

Me: Can I help you?
Man: Hi, mam. I'm in the neighborhood, going door-to-door. I'd like to offer you something.
This whole time I'm looking at him like he's absolutely nuts due to the hour.
Man: I'm in a contest to win credit points. I need 20,000 credit points. That's the reason I've come so late. Can you hear me okay out here?
He then steps forward like he expects me to let him in.
Me: Yes, I hear you fine. My children are sleeping, so I'd prefer you keep your voice down anyway.
Man: Yes, that's why I'm talking so soft.
Yes? Soooo...he already knows I have kids?
Man: I'd like you to look through here and circle your favorite. Holding up an orange sheet of paper, w/many other papers behind it.
Man: Your neighbors have all circled their favorite, now I'd like you to do the same.
Me: Favorite what?
Man: See. Holding orange paper up again. Your neighbors have all circled their favorite, now I'd like you to circle your's.
I see there are random numbers circled in black marker. He again makes a step towards the door. Does this guy think I'm going to let him in? I think not!
Me: My favorite what? You still haven't told me what you're selling!
Man: Magazine. He then points to the magazine I'm holding in my hand. You can renew the magazine you already have.
Me: No, I'm not interested. I then start to back away from the door.
Man: Are you sure? Holding up his stupid papers.
Me: Positive. I don't need any magazines.

Once he was gone I looked out the door and noticed that every house was dark. It was a Saturday night, and it sure looked like no one was home. They circled their favorite, huh? I was extremely pissed that this guy came so late, but I didn't even stop to think that maybe he was up to something else. Was this whole scam a way to get in my house? My husband was home, but completely out-of-sight from the door, so this guy would have no way of knowing that. I'd had my door open all night, and had been walking around, so I was clearly visible to anyone who might be watching.

I'm still sick as a dog, so this is something that started whirling through my mind as I lie here feeling like I'm about to die. I left (lengthy) message at the Police Department. I told them that it's up to them if they want to follow up with me, but I wanted to report it in case anything else happened.

Maybe it's my over-active imagination, but I'd hate to find out something happened to somebody and me not have said anything.