Monday, August 30, 2004

Today's Tidbits

  • I took SA out today and left the other two home with dad. NOBODY paid any attention to my baby! LOL It was nice not being stopped every couple of steps by people like we do when we take out all three, but at the same time I was thinking, "Doesn't anyone want to look at my adorable baby?!?!" LOL
  • I am so tired all the time. No matter how much sleep I get, I am just exhausted all the time. I'm thinking about calling my doctor. I go to the doctor maybe once every two years, so obviously I don't like going...but this is started to get ridiculous.
  • Speaking of my trip out with SA today, we went to Wal-Mart. Usually after venturing to that place, I leave CRABBY for the rest of the day. The trip actually went pretty smooth. I kept wondering what moms that have one baby complain baby was a piece of cake! LOL Of course, I did take the "easy" one! haha!
  • RD's off today...and pretty much for the next month (aside from research...but he can do that from home). It's so wonderful having him here. AND, he's in a great mood. My husband is a wonderful, sweet, caring man...but he sure can be moody (unlike me! ha!)! Let's hope he stays in this fun mood for awhile.... :D
  • I bought the new Outkast CD while at Wal-Mart today. I didn't notice until I got home, but it says "Edited Version" on the cover. My first reaction was to take it back, but then thought that I would probably be better off with the edited version, b/c it won't be long before the kids are picking up on words. I feel like such a mom! ha!
  • I think we're going to start the kids on solids tomorrow. We're planning on making their food ourselves, so RD has to go to his mom's to pick up her food processor, then run to Whole Foods Market to get some fruit and veggies. We'll see if I gan gather the energy to make some tonight. I'm actually really excited to start them on fruit and veggies. We've been feeding them cereal for about a month now, so I'm interested to see how they respond to something different.

Speaking of babies, it sounds like my hubby could use a hand. Until next time...