Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Health Benefits Suck

I've said it many times before and I'll say it again - I'VE GOT THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD; however, the health benefits do suck!

RD came down with a nasty, nasty cold a few days ago. He's had the chills, chunky coughs, congested nose and chest, sore throat...you name it. I gave him strict orders not to go near any of the babies, and I was running around like a mad woman wiping everything in sight with Clorox wipes. I even boiled our toothbrushes, in fear that he might have coughed on mine. I was determined not to get sick; because if he didn't get the babies sick just being in their presence, I would if I got his nasty bug.

You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to work (in the outside world) right now. I am paid in smiles, coos, laughs, and loving gazes...and so far, it's the best-paying job I've ever had; but, CAN'T A WOMAN CALL IN SICK ONCE IN AWHILE?! No. Not with this job. This has got to be the hardest thing. Despite all my efforts, I have caught RD's nasty cold. I would do anything to be able to lie in bed all day, with a tall glass of orange juice at my side, the remote in one hand, my kitty under the other, looking ridiculous with a tissue stuck up each nostril. Aahhhhh...heaven. But (again with the but's!), my husband is at work, so I have babies to feed, change, entertain (though I must say, Baby Einstein is covering that department for me pretty well today). They give me the most pitiful look (the same one they've been giving their dad for the past three days) that says, "Why aren't you holding me? Why won't you play with me?" The poor babies, they don't understand.

I've teased RD saying that I need a vacation. I truly don't need a vacation, a real vacation - I would miss the babies too much! When I say I need a vacation, what I really mean is that I would like 8-10 hours away from the house to do whatever I want - baby-free. That's it. No more than that.

But (here we go again!), I really do need a sick day...maybe two! Heck...I'd take a couple sick hours at this point. Off to bed I go!