Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I'm Singing in the Rain

I called our realtor yesterday. RD keeps teasing me about how I always have to call to confirm things, follow-up, double-check. I can't help it, I'm really anal that way (I'm going to regret using that word. Search engines, watch out!). I wanted to let her know we passed the city inspection, and since we hadn't talked in awhile and we're going on the market this Friday, I just wanted to touch base.

She said she was getting ready to call us anyway; she has a young couple looking for a house in our price range. She asked if we'd mind if she showed them our house over the weekend (Even though the sign will be up Friday and it will be on-line, it's not officially on the market until Tuesday.). I told her of course we didn't mind. How wonderful would it be if we sold the house right off the bat and didn't have to deal with any open houses or appointments?! Mighty optimistic of me, huh? I was so excited to tell RD, hoping he'd share in my excitement. He wasn't so optimistic.

RD: Are they willing to wait until late-June to move in? I'm not going down on the price so soon. We're not going to have the house ready for them to look at yet.

Me: Okay, first, the closing date may be an issue with a buyer this weekend or Tuesday. A few days aren't going to make a difference. Second, I agree it's too early to come down on price. If they're wanting to make an offer lower than our price, I agree we should wait to see if we get any other offers next week. But, if they're willing to pay within $2,000-$3,000 of our asking price, I say go for it. We already agreed we weren't going to haggle over prices anyway. A couple thousand dollars might be worth the aggravation. And what do you mean it won't be ready? A few days early? What's moving a few last-minute projects up a few days? No big deal.

RD: Well, I'm not going to be home this weekend anyway. He'll be gone Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon. Not ALL weekend.

Me: There'll be many days on the market that you're gone. I can handle it. I can't make any big decisions without you anyway. Besides, you're only a phone call away. Geesh.

For some reason, this couple coming to see our house a few days earlier than we'd planned is putting RD in a tizzy. He's been all laid back about getting things done, then lastnight he was suddenly put into overdrive, running around wrapping up unfinished projects in the house. Again, nothing major, nothing that can't be done in a day or two.

Me: Why are you freaking out? This is supposed to be a good thing. They might offer listing price and we're done. OR, they might not even like it at all. But that would mean they're crazy or blind! ;) Just relax.

RD: *sigh* Okay.

I should probably mention, my husband does not like change. He's not big on schedules really, but any change from the norm or from the expected and he wigs out.

So, he's a bit antsy. I'm excited. I love looking at real estate, and I'm excited to see our house on-line. Fun!

In other news, I walked up by that school this morning that I mentioned yesterday. A different woman came out to see the babies. At least this one wasn't running and she wasn't yelling at me. She told me she has twins and she couldn't imagine having three. I smiled then thought, "Uh-oh. Is this what's in my future?" I guess I should've mentioned...this is a school for troubled children. It's my strange humor that sent my mind there, but we shared some small talk then I had to sprint home. Our beautiful morning turned on us - it started to rain. So I pulled up the umbrella shades over the babies and ran back to the house as graceful as I could in my clunky stroller.

Now the sun is shining once again. Time to go get some cleaning done. It never ends I tell ya. It never ends.