Friday, April 15, 2005

Zoo Allergies

We packed the kids up and headed to the zoo. We got there mid-day, so we lathered the kids up with some baby-friendly sunscreen. About 45 minutes into it, RD looked down at SA and said, "What's wrong with his face?" He had red splotches all over the left side of his face and his eye was watering.

My first thought was that it was a reaction to the sunscreen. We grabbed some lunch and picked a nice table in the shade. I asked them for some water and I did my best to clean off SA's face. It didn't seem to be bothering him - he still kept smiling and seemed to be enjoying all the people walking by. By the time we finished our lunch, his face looked much better. We switched him into the double stroller (which had an umbrella), to give him a break from the sun. As soon as we got moving again, the red splotches returned. He then started to fuss and we decided it wasn't worth it to stay. Afterall, the kids could care less if we were walking around the block at home or at the zoo. The zoo was more for us; they're not at an age yet to appreciate the animals. So we loaded everyone back into the car and headed home. Mere minutes into our trip back home and his face was clearing up. So I don't think it was the sunscreen.

I was thinking it could be a reaction to the sun. I had a similar reaction at the start of each season when I was little. I would break out into what my mom would call "sun poisoning," until I got used to the sun at the start of each Summer. RD's mom (who went to the zoo with us) thought it might be a reaction to something in the air. She said RD's sister's face would break out in a rash when she spent great lengths of time outside - more often in the Spring, when all the allergens are at their peak. RD seemed to think he brushed up against something, but I was pushing his stroller the whole time, so I think I would've noticed. Whatever the reason, that was our first trip as a family to the zoo.

The other two little monkeys (AR and SJ that is) had a great time. AR is the great performer in the family, so she spent the bulk of the time smiling at everyone, doing her best to get noticed by as many people as possible. SJ rocked back and forth, proving to everyone around us that, yes, we are a very strange family - right down to our children.

I guess we won't know what the cause of our boy's rash was until it happens again. But the highlight, was when we were eating our lunch, a little girl came up to touch SA. Her dad came over to get should have seen the look on his face that screamed, "DON'T TOUCH THAT BOY! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET WHAT HE'S GOT!!" I was sympathetic to the man's (facial) reaction, but knowing it wasn't anything contagious, I found humor in the situation. Now this poor family was probably worried all afternoon, watching for their daughter to break out into some freakish rash.

RD's working tonight, so I'll try to post later about our moving situation (I'm sure you're on pins and needles! ;)).

Have a great weekend!