Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Playing Catch-Up

I went clothes shopping the other day. Take a moment to do a happy dance. I haven't had that much fun shopping in a long time. Everything I tried on fit. AND, I went down a size. I haven't lost any weight; in fact, I've gained four pounds, but everything is fitting me different. It seems 13+ months after having the babies, my weight is still shifting. I've also been getting a fair amount of exercise lately, so maybe I'm gaining some of the muscle back that I lost while pregnant and on bedrest. I don't know how or why, but I'm lovin' it! I got three outfits, a pair of khaki's, a pair of brown sandals, and a pair of black sandals (my feet jumped up a half size after being pregnant). Now I just need to find some place to go so I can wear my new duds!

RD and I took the kids to the mall yesterday. I bought a double-umbrella stroller (we already had a single) to use, so that we don't have to lug our big triplet stroller around when we're out together. It was amazing! We felt like a normal family. One, we got in and out of the van right away because we didn't have this big stroller to assemble or break down, and two, we were able to shop without drawing a lot of unwanted attention. What a change that was! We got a few looks and a few people said, "Twins?" (SA, who was in the single stroller, is bigger than AR and SJ, so I think people thought he was an older sibling.), but no gawking and no ignorant comments regarding triplets and fertility drugs or how we have our hands full. It was quite refreshing. Now we can't wait to get out again. If the weather cooperates, we're planning on going to the zoo tomorrow. We have a great (free!) zoo here, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Still looking into some temporary housing. It is really expensive, but I'm thinking it will be a lot easier for everybody (opposed to living with his mom). Two of us, three kids, and two his mom and her two cats - not sounding too appealing right now.

Breaking news...Britney Spears is pregnant. As if I haven't heard that enough times yet today. It's been at the top of every news show today. Enough already. Okay...yes, I'm a big entertainment gossip nut...I just don't like Britney Spears. She really bugs me for some reason. Between her and J-Lo, I think they've both been a bit over-exposed over the past few years.

I think I'm going to cancel or Blockbuster On-Line membership. They've been really slow in delivering movies, and their selection lately has been awful. I'm considering Netflix, but have heard some not-so-favorable reviews of them lately as well. What's your experience? I've been spoiled by having movies delivered right to my door, so the thought of actually having to walk up and down the aisles...the horr-ah!