Friday, April 01, 2005

Sentimental Sap That I Am

Now that our market date is approaching, I'm getting all nostalgic about our house.

Front of House 2

For good reason really. This was the first house for both of us - the house we started our marriage in, the house we had our children in (well, not literally, but you know).

I keep looking around at everything, thinking that these beautiful walls will belong to someone else. Someone else will be loading this dishwasher. Someone else will be mowing this lawn. Someone else will be sleeping in my room. Someone else's clothes will be hanging in my closet. Someone else's cat will be puking on my carpet. Someone else...


Don't get me wrong, I'm more than excited to move into our new house, but it makes me sad to leave something so wonderful behind. I've been whining about wanting to move for the past year - and now the time is near and I just can't help but get weepy over it.

I keep thinking...

I wish I knew this past Christmas would be our last Christmas here.
I wish we would've put up a Christmas tree (didn't want to bother with having the babies here to tear it down).
I wish I'd been able to help RD plant in the yard last Spring (new babies made it impossible).
I wish I'd talked to the old lady nextdoor more.
I hope I like the person(s) who moves in.
I should've spent more time outside. Our yard is beautiful.

I hope they take care of our home.

I hope the new people take advantage of being within walking distance of all the jazz fests in town.
I hope they love this house as much as I do.

Of course I knew it was our last Christmas here, but it's not something I gave a lot of thought to at the time. It was more like, "Yeaahhh!! Next Christmas we'll be in our new house!" Whereas now I'm all weepish over knowing it won't be here. Is it crazy to feel this attached to a house? I know the memories will always be with me...blahblahblah...but the thought of someone painting our walls...changing anything...I just don't even want to think about it. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I just can't stop obsessing about it right now.

I'm sure once we move in our new house I'll be so excited (and busy) that I won't even give this house much thought (well, maybe a little). But right now...the love I'm feeling for this house is overwhelming.

Someday I'll drive our kids past this house and say, "That's where we lived when you were little babies!" Okay, now I'm tearing up. I sure hope I'm getting ready to start, because this is ridiculous!

Enough of this mushy nonsense. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!