Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Under Contract

Hi all! I only have minute, but wanted to write an update on the house. A day before the house was on the market, we received a contract. I'll have to share the story when I have more time, but a brief summary - a couple knocked on the door, we weren't going to let them in (realtor's orders), but it turns out RD knows the guy. They weren't even here but maybe ten minutes, the guy didn't even look at the whole house (his girlfriend/fiancee(?) did). We didn't even think they were interested, but the next day we received a FULL PRICE offer! Only glitch is that they want to move in June 8. EEK. So now I'm off to look for temporary housing. Yes, the plan was to move in with RD's mom - sounded fine when it was a hypothetical, now I'm not so sure. I'll try to post more later and reply to your comments (thank you!). I upgraded my Haloscan account, so now they've made that easy. Yea!

Be back later!