Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Man I'm ticked!

This is a total overreaction, but damn it, I can't find the USB cord to download pictures from my camera. I'm ticked because I'm one of those anal people that has a place for everything - EVERYTHING. You want to know where something is? I can tell you where to find it.

Well, RD moved it somewhere and he can't remember where. I was looking forward to FINALLY downloading the photos that have been piling up in our camera.

I've searched high and low and can't find it anywhere. I guess we might be buying a new one. Ugh.

Oh well. Once we find it or buy a new one, I have some pictures to post of the new house. It's coming along great! They have the frame finished for the first floor. It's amazing how fast they move once they get started.

I'm off to read some blogs. Have a great evening!