Friday, March 25, 2005

In Sickness and in Love that's not how it goes, but the title seemed fitting for this post.

Thank you everyone who sent well-wishes for our anniversary! RD and I had a WONDERFUL dinner at
The Melting Pot. We had the Big Night Out's Classic Feast and it was to die for!! When it came time for dessert, I lost all control.

Me: mmmm....MMMMMM...This is just delicious! mmmmmm.

RD: Do you have to make those noises?

Me: It's just so good! Ohhhhh!! Did you try the brownie? mm-mm-mmmm.

RD: You're making sex noises. It's getting weird. laughing Stop it!

Me: It's just so good! I can't help it!

By my slightly-orgasmic reaction to the Flaming Turtle Chocolate Fondue, it's safe to say the meal was a success. It was a wonderful ending to a not-so-wonderful day...

AR and SJ were sick. And still are a bit, but do seem better today. RD started the day off by taking his mom to her Neuro-appointment. They then picked up lunch and we enjoyed some French onion soup and roast beef sandwiches. As time was passing, AR was getting worse. SJ was obviously not feeling well either, but AR just seemed to be feeling awful. She just wanted to be held, and lied limp in our arms. Her fever got as high as 103.5. Luckily, she still had an appetite and thirst, so I didn't fret over her dehydrating.

RD and I had an appointment at
Metro Lighting to pick out the lights for the new house - his mom was going to watch the kids. She was going to be watching them over naptime, and I have complete confidence that she could have handled them just fine, but it didn't feel right leaving sick kids behind - so RD stayed behind while I went to the lighting place on my own. I had already spent countless hours scouring their Internet site to get a feel for what we were wanting; I had a general idea of what he liked and disliked, so I went on. Let me just wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. First of all, the place was so darn hot. Not a surprise, considering all the lights they had on display. Duh! And second, it's quite nerve-racking picking out light fixtures worth hundreds of dollars on my own - 80% of which were marked 'Special Order Item - NOT RETURNABLE.' No pressure. Despite the gamble I took on a few items, I think he'll be happy with everything.

I need to figure out how to post pictures on here. I've been told repeatedly how easy it is to set up...I'm just so clueless to this stuff. I could put together a killer PowerPoint Presentation, but don't ask me to install software or...whatever else there is to do outside of the Microsoft programs. I'm going to see if I can find the pictures on Metro's site so I can post pictures of some of the light fixtures we're getting. Our dining room chandelier and foyer fixture are quite funky - either you'll love them or hate them. I'm anxious to hear people's reactions. I decided I'm tired of playing it safe; I have a "different" taste when it comes to decorating, and it's time to unleash it!

On the real estate front...I just found out the house nextdoor got a contract its second day on the market. WOO-HOO! Definitely a good sign. Our realtor is coming over Monday so we can sign all the paperwork, complete disclosure forms, etc. We were shooting for mid-April, but with the expected increase in the interest rate, I'm wondering if we should put it on the market a bit sooner. We'll see what her thoughts are.

Which leads me to the not-so-big news that I obviously made way too big a deal of last week. Again, big for us, but such a bore for you. Sorry to be such a tease! Since we're building, we won't have a set closing date for several weeks, if not longer, which leaves the possibility of a double-move being in our future. I had looked into several temporary leases available in the apartments in our area - some pretty nice, but let's face it, there's nothing nice about a double-move. Now comes RD's mom. She has been ordered not to drive for the next six months, due to the seizure she had a couple weeks ago. I had just gotten off the phone with RD, trying to figure out what days we would be driving MIL and what days his sisters would be, etc. That's when a lightbulb went off...

What if we go ahead and put our house on the market, not worrying about the timing, go ahead and put that it is ready for immediate closing -AND- then move in with his mom until our house is ready. We're already having to coordinate grocery trips, drives to her work...and every other thing, so wouldn't it be easier if we were right there? If we didn't have three kids it wouldn't be such an issue, but right now...I'm just going to say it...I can see it becoming a pain packing the kids up all the time to drive her around. I love my MIL VERY MUCH, so it's not that it would be a nuisance, but let's be real here, it sorta would be. She has plenty of room (well enough) for us upstairs and we would be right there. THEN, RD also suggested that once we do move in our house, she live with us until she can drive. Our new house is five minutes from her work. Fine by me. Before you all roll your eyes and tell me how not fine it's going to would only be until September. And, it wouldn't really be her moving in with us, but staying with us several days during the week. We'd take her back to her house on the weekends, and whenever else she wanted, but it would be so convenient to be right there. And we'll have the space, so we might as well take advantage of it.

We had this whole plan worked up, but RD hadn't talked to his mom about it, so I didn't want to dish about our "plan" on here until he spoke to her about it. Other than still being obviously bummed over losing her independence during these six months (can you blame her?!), she said it did make sense. Nothing is set in stone at this time, but everyone is keeping their options open. When RD asked her what she thought of having the three kids there, she gave him an ecstatic, "Great!"

She then got a serious look and said, "It will be a full house." He replied, "Yea...three kids and us." "No," she said, "FOUR CATS!!!"