Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Mommy's Grumpy

I'm sure I've posted before that negativity drives me crazy...well...I'm about to throw out a whole lotta negativity. There's only so much screaming and crying mom can take before she loses all control, and I think that time has come.


Dear SA, When you see mommy on her hands and knees, cleaning up the green beans off the floor, it doesn't help the situation to then throw your sippy cup across the room, in turn causing the lid to go flying, as well as all the liquid in it. This might be that one thing that makes mommy snap.

Dear SJ, As sick as this sounds, thank you for laughing when mommy burst into tears after getting soaked with the contents of SA's forementioned sippy cup. Mommy had momentarily lost her mind and needed to see that sweet smile of your's. Again, thank you.

Dear AR, How long does it take to recover from a day of two missed naps? Seriously, I need to know.

Dear Hubby, When I call crying...NO...SOBBING because I want you to come home from your Grandma's, I mean NOW. You haven't heard me cry like this in a long time, so this should be a sign that the stress level is pretty high back at home and your presence is needed IMMEDIATELY.

Dear Neighbor Across the Street, We're putting our house on the market in two weeks, would it be too much to ask for you to get that rake and potted plant off your roof? I don't know why or how they got there, but I think the rusty tricycle (that you got from OUR DUMPSTER), blue tarp, jack-o-lantern, small boulders, folded up mattress, and broken down trailer in your driveway is enough, I think throwing your yard tools up on your roof is a bit much. I'm just sayin'.

Dear Family Member, I know how to feed my kids. I know what to feed my kids. If I'm not ready to feed them candy and soda, that is my decision, not your's. Just because you think it's perfectly okay to let your kids drink Coke from a sippy cup, doesn't mean it's okay to give it to mine. I promise not to tell you how to raise your kids, if you promise not to tell me how to raise mine.

Dear Loan Borrower, Considering we have loaned you a large amount of money, not once, but twice - money you still owe us - it might be a good idea to stop trying to give me all these things you bought off E-Bay that you decided you don't want. And no you didn't win it, you BOUGHT it.

Dear Kitty, Must you puke? Everyday? On the carpet? We have plenty of hardwood floor for you to yack on, but no, you choose to puke on the carpet. And this morning...on my one pair of clean jeans. Why? Oh why?

That's all my b*tching for today. I think...

Thank you. I feel much better now. Whew!