Thursday, March 03, 2005

My Gettin'-Ready-To-Sell To-Do List

  1. Clean out my closet and drawers. Bag up clothes for charity.
  2. Kindly remind RD 5-10 times to start going through his closet.
  3. Windex all the windows. Have RD do the outside.
  4. Wash the dining room curtains and hang them back up. Then remember to pull the highchairs away from the window so the kids will stop grabbing the curtains with their messy hands during mealtime.
  5. Wipe down the outside of all the kitchen cabinets, the refrigerator, the stove/oven.
  6. Clean the blades of all the ceiling fans.
  7. Shampoo the carpets in the bedrooms.
  8. Pack/Give/Throw away any knick knacks around the house so it looks less cluttered.
  9. Basement. The basement. Ugh...the basement. A dumpster is being delivered next Tuesday so we can clean out the basement. It is a disaster. I started in the basement today. I can not believe the crap I have been holding on to for YEARS. Why? Just because that ten-year old sweater says Polo on it, doesn't mean it's a keeper! I have a box of about 200 cocktail napkins from our wedding. For some reason I thought I better hang on to them - sentimental reasons I guess. They're all yellow and gross. Time for them to hit the trash!
  10. Buy some big Rubbermaid tubs to store stuff I want to take with us. I can't stand storing stuff in cardboard boxes. Spiders! Spiders! Spiders!
  11. Label the tubs so I actually know what's in them (e.g., Halloween, Easter, Christmas, books, bags, etc.).
  12. Dust the hanging pots and pans rack above the stove. I don't think I've done that since RD hung the damn thing. I should probably wear a mask!
  13. Clean out the kitchen pantry.
  14. Clean out the bathroom closets.
  15. Buy new (updated) fixture for foyer and above kitchen sink.
  16. Touch-up paint where needed.
  17. Figure out what in the hee-haw hell I'm going to do with three kids and two cats when someone wants to look at the house.

I'm sure there's more, but my head's about to burst, so I'll stop here.