Friday, October 22, 2004


I've been on-line for about an hour and a half now. I'm trying to get a jump on some Christmas shopping. The list of people we have to buy for is outrageous! It's a bit overwhelming, but I'm having a good time. I love buying people gifts! Especially kids. I'm trying to find some good bargains, so if you have any ideas, send them my way! :)

Speaking of spending money, we are now officially free of any and all credit card debt!! WOO HOO! That's the good news, now the bad news is that RD's med school loan deferment is now over. So before we get too crazy with our credit-card-free-happy-dance, we've now got to start trying to make a dent in his $190,000-loan. Yep, you read that right - $190,000. EEK! That's going to be a dark cloud hanging over us for quite some time.

He's been in "talks" with different hospitals in the area about a job next year (he completes his residency June 2005). He should hopefully have a contract signed somewhere before the end of this year. It will be a weight off both our shoulders, primarily his of course, once he signs that dotted line. It's more competitive right now than originally thought...but I'm not worried. He's da man! ;)

The babies are doing well. I know I say this all the time, but they are so damn cute. It's funny how they all change roles. SA used to be the "funny one," now AR has been the jokester lately. She cracks up at EVERYTHING. She thinks everything her brothers do are hilarious, she thinks eating her solids is hilarious, she gets the biggest kick out of the animals printed on her crib sheets - the girl cracks herself up! SJ...God love him...he's going through quite a whiney-stage right now. I'm sure hoping it passes soon. He's going through some wicked separation anxiety right now. Forgive me if I'm repeating myself...I can't remember if I mentioned this already. I stand up and he starts screaming. Ay-yie-yie. SA is our little adventurer. Jump! Jump! Jump! That's all he wants to do. When you're holding him up, when he's in the exersaucer...Constantly jumping. When he's on the floor he's rolling from one side of the room to the other, or army crawling to wherever he wants to go. They're so awesome.

The weight loss is going well. I've lost 7 pounds. I don't know if this is going to make the least bit of sense, but staring in the mirror naked today I could see my old body...under all that fat. I could see what used to be...if I really used my imagination. LOL For those reading that don't know me (which is the majority of you), I probably make myself sound like quite the lardass. Really, I'm not that bad, but...anyway...just felt I had to say that. ;)

I was hoping to get to bed early tonight, so I guess I better end this here. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Until next time...