Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Random Thoughts of the Day

Do you ever wonder why Juicy Fruit gum is called Juicy Fruit? Maybe I'm the only one, but I sure don't think it tastes anything like fruit. I don't know what I think it tastes like...but I do think it tastes good...whatever it's supposed to be...

The last bite of a really good treat is so sad. I get that, "I'm-not-ready-for-it-to-be-over" feeling. You know what's worse? Eating the last bite, then looking in the bag and not realizing that that was your last bite.

Have you noticed all the men that are getting their eyebrows done? I agree that if a man has a unibrow, he needs to take care of that...but all of a sudden I'm seeing all these men on tv with these "woman-brows." Kinda creepy.

It amazes me what searches get people to this site. There've been people looking for olympic beach ass women, farting burping contests, desitin florida beach (I would bet they were looking for Destin), and the grand prize winner is Domino's double-melt pizza. There've been countless people searching for info on this pizza, to find at my blog that it tastes, and it does, BLOODY AWFUL. :)

There are so many great commercials out now. What makes so many of them so great are the songs. One of my favorites that came out about a year ago or more is for Volkswagen Jetta - it's a man rushing to a church to stop the woman he loves from getting married. The song that goes along with the commercial is so intense, I felt like I was feeling all the emotion this guy was feeling. AND IT WAS JUST A COMMERCIAL! Wow! There's also one out now for a photo printer (HP, I think?). The commercial has a Kink's song playing - something like, "Picture Puzzle"?? Something like that. I also like the Johnson & Johnson commerials, where they show how babies affect our lives, then say, Having a Baby Changes Everything. Oh...how true! Target has some pretty good commercials as well.

If you haven't tried any of the new cereals out that have fruit in them, you should. I've had Special K w/Strawberries and Kellog's Fruit Harvest. They're really good. I was really surprised. I just picked up some Cheerio's with strawberries and blueberries. Looks yummy! :d

I've found a new way to exercise...WITH THE BABIES! :) AR makes me work my butt off! Or stomach rather. I put her on my belly while I do crunches and she cries every time I stop. She's quite the motivation!

One thing I don't understand is the people that sit behind the homeplate at the baseball game. They have the best seat in the park, yet instead of enjoying their wonderful view of the best game on earth, they spend the entire game on their cell phones waving at the camera.

Inventions I'm thankful for: Clorox wipes, Swiffer clothes, Germ-X...I could go on, but darn it...the babies are up from their nap already! Oh well. :)