Friday, October 29, 2004

Insert Witty Comment here

I haven't posted much lately. RD's been home all week, so we've been enjoying our time together. He goes back to work tomorrow night...ugh!

We're getting out two nights in a row! Woo Hoo! Lastnight we had an interview-dinner at the Ritz-Carlton with one of the local hospitals. It was six Physicians and their spouses. It was nice being wined and dined! They seemed to be very interested in having RD work for them, and once again, he made me very proud. He's hoping to work a few moonlighting shifts there to see how he likes it.

We have a sitter again tonight and we're going out on a date! We're planning on seeing the movie, Saw. It looks crazy-scary! I'm excited! Then we're stopping for dessert. Don't think I'll be counting points tonight! (Weight Watchers)

Other than that, I'm drawing a blank on what to write I guess I'll end it here. I should do some cleaning anyway. It's amazing how fast this place becomes a mess now that we have kids.