Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Happy Hump Day!

I was drawing a blank at a title...that'll work.

I'm in a much better mood today. I'm still tired, but I have a better attitude.

I feel like I'm still needing to catch up on sleep from the other night. The first month+ the babies were home, I was lucky to get three hours a night - now I have one bad night and I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Amazing what you get used to!

RD is going to be working his butt off this month. He's on vacation the last week of October, but he works every day until then. I already miss him terribly. I got used to him being around every day. It's not just having the extra hand to help, but it was someone to talk to; and not just anyone, my best friend. He was here to see all the fun things the baby did, or if he missed it, I could just run outside or in the other room to tell him. The babies are changing so much every single day, and I'm sad that he's not here to share it. It seems he's missed out on so much in just a few days.

SA rolled over for the first time a short two weeks ago, and now he's all over the place! You can't blink, b/c before you know it he's across the room. AR had started crawling a couple days ago, but watching SA, she's discovered that it's much faster just to roll to your destination - so she's followed his lead. SJ just sits back and watches, probably hoping he doesn't get plowed by his brother or sister. He's too busy growing teeth to move! ;)

I'm doing great with my "weight challenge." I've been eating healthy and exercising regularly. I did have one night of bad food, but it was that party we went to. I figure, we so rarely go out, it's not going to hurt if I indulge from time to time. Now when it gets closer to the holidays, I will have to cut back. Even if we don't go to as many parties this season, the party will come to me - IN A BIG TIN FILLED WITH SUGARY, CHOCOLATE BLISS. During the hoidays, the food seems to find you no matter where you hide.

I've lost two pounds since I started. My appearance seems to get worse before it gets better. I had a nice roundness about me, now I seem a bit more lumpy and bumpy. Bleh...I'll just have to not look in the mirror for awhile until I start to firm up a bit. :)

I think I might start a new book tonight. I finished reading A Widow for One Year last week. It was pretty good. I wasn't sure if I liked it at first, but it was one of those books I couldn't stop thinking about after I read it. When it comes to movies and books, if I'm still thinking about it days later, it must've been good. Speaking of the book I just read, they made it into a movie. They changed the name to The Door in the Floor. I'll have to see if it's on on video yet.

I'm super tired, so I better wrap this up...heaven knows I'm probably not making sense. I can barely keep my eyes open.

Sweet dreams to me...